The overall objective of AgriBEE is to facilitate agricultural sector empowerment through initiatives that include black South Africans at all levels of agricultural activity by:

Promoting equitable access and participation of black people in the entire agricultural value chain.
De-racialising land and enterprise ownership, control, skilled occupations and management of existing and new agricultural enterprises; and unlocking the full entrepreneurial potential of black South Africans in the sector.
Implementation of an AgriBEE approach is integral to creating linkages, partnerships and networks for balanced, mutually benefiting results for all stakeholders. It will ensure enhanced competitiveness and sustainable development and link expansion of our existing business to the success of the entire agriculture sector.
Calyx has developed a well-defined transformation plan which will allow us to exceed the objectives and targets provided for in the B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice and AgriBEE Sector Codes.